
Sick Of Coconut Oil ?

We found the most delicious recipe for a Hummingbird Cake. It was made out to be ‘healthy’, that was until we read through the ingredients. It called for a whopping 1 cup of coconut oil. That is a total of 1879 calories (7862 kj) and 218g of fat (olive oil has similar calories and fat content, but the majority is unsaturated). In a perfect world you would cut the cake into 12 pieces (in this weather make that two with a few cups of tea!). In that single slice alone you will be eating 18g of saturated fat.

The nutritional facts around coconut oil just reiterated our thoughts around ‘bliss balls’ and ‘raw desserts’. We all know that fats are essential to our diets, as they help you to absorb essential nutrients in your food and nourish your nervous system, however, too much of a good thing isn’t good for anyone. For a 2000 calorie per day diet, your daily recommended fat intake should be between 48 – 72 g per day. You do the maths, after you have already had a handful of nuts, avocado on toast with two poached eggs, and salmon for dinner in a day… we estimate that to be 60.5g of ‘good fats’, and that’s before you have made your cake and eaten it too!

So, in our bid to help you preserve your summer bodies through winter, we took it upon ourselves to find a ‘lighter’ way of baking your warming cakes with fats so you can indulge with less guilt.


Here is what we found:

  • Buttermilk: use 3/4 of required amount with the substitute & 1/4 oil
  • Yoghurt: use 3/4 of required amount with the substitute & 1/4 oil
  • Vegetable puree (try pumpkin in banana bread & beetroot in chocolate cake): use 1/2 of required amount with the substitute & 1/2 oil
  • Fruit puree (try apple or pear): use 1/2 of required amount with the substitute & 1/2 oil

Note that you may need to add more of the substitute if the mixture is a little dry. The consistency will be influenced by the types of flour you use in your baking. Experiment a little and enjoy the ‘lighter’ treats that you will create.

We would also like to remind you of the importance of ROTATING your foods. Swap the coconut oil for olive oil or organic butter (full of amazing vitamins) so you can offer your body a broad spectrum of different nutrients. You should also rotate your leafy greens, grains and dairy for non dairy products throughout the week. Have a break from your daily eggs and have porridge instead. Your body will thank you. It is also a reminder that everything in moderation is good – enjoy that one slice, but try to keep it at one.

Article:  Is Coconut Oil Healthy by Choice is an interesting read. They also touch on how a ‘food’ becomes a ‘fad’ and the anatomy of a trend.

Image credit: Eat This