
Your Spices Guide To Winter

Not only is winter the best time to slow cook your food to ensure you absorb your nutrients and digest it more readily, it is also a great way to incorporate fabulous spices to make everything taste amazing. Spices during the colder months help to balance your hormones and rev up your metabolism. They are so simple to add to any simple vegetarian, vegan or meat dish. The best spices to include in your winter repertoire are:


Known to stabilise blood sugar, ease nausea and contain high anti-oxidant & anti-inflammatory properties. It has antifungal, antibacterial, and even antivirul properties (cinnamaldehyde). Add a pinch to your coffee, hot chocolate, baked apples, roasted pumpkin, smoothies or favourite curry.


Potent antioxidant, mood boosting, protects nervous system. The darker the better when sourcing your cacao. Enjoy adding it to your porridge (yummy), hot chocolate, puddings or even a beef stew!


Helps to clear up blocked sinuses, stimulates circulation, high Vit C. We love adding a pinch to our Superfood Hot Chocolate, or simply dust some on your roast potatoes.


Anti-inflammatory for aching joints & headache, cancer fighting, slows Alzheimers, treats depression. Curcumin is the active ingredient. Enjoy with your eggs, golden latte, curried vegetables. It is so easy to enjoy in sweet and savoury dishes.


High in antioxidants & considered ‘nature’s penicillin’. This powerhouse should be a staple in every savoury winter dish to ensure you are benefitting from its incredible properties. A simple recipe is making fresh garlic bread by crushing the cloves of garlic with grass fed butter and fresh parsley.


Boosts immunity, assists digestion, treats nausea, and has anti-inflammatory properties. You can add ginger to everything from your warming winter cup of tea or smoothie, or grate it fresh into your chicken soup or curry.

Cumin, cloves, nutmeg & cardamon

Very warming herbs that also assist in the digestion of dairy. A beautiful combination when baking an apple cake, roasting vegetables or you can remove the cumin and make chai latte.


Assists respiratory conditions to help clear chest congestion. It is also known to treat worms! Add some to your slow roast lamb or vegetables.


Vitamin C, B12, K & A – a great all-rounder for your health. It is also used to help remove heavy metals from your body. We love a fresh pesto to stir through a warming winter gnocchi or zucchini noodles.

Image credit: Pinterest

Get Your HYGGE (hue-guh) On This Winter

There is more to Hygge than what is portrayed on Instagram. You may have seen it taking over social media in the last 12 months, however, it is so much more than an interior design style or sense of fashion. Hygge can be described as a ‘cosy contentment’ and ‘well-being’ through enjoying the simple things in life.

According to Meik Wiking, the CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen, “Hygge is such an important part of being Danish that it is considered “a defining feature of our cultural identity and an integral part of the national DNA’.” As a result, despite the harsh Winter’s in Scandinavia, they remain the happiest people on earth.

“Hygge (pronounced hue-guh not hoo-gah) is a Danish word used when acknowledging a feeling or moment, whether alone or with friends, at home or out, ordinary or extraordinary as cosy, charming or special. Hygge (or to be “hyggeligt”) doesn’t require learning “how to”, adopting it as a lifestyle or buying anything”. (Wikipdeia)  The word has actually been used in Denmark since the 1800’s and was taken from the Norweigan word meaning ‘well-being’. Essentially, it is about creating a ‘cosy’ environment through experiences, your environment or the comfort of what you are wearing. A.k.a hyggeligatmosphere

Favourite Ways To Enjoy Hygge This Winter

  • Light a fire
  • Rug up and take a walk outdoors
  • Light candles
  • Invite friends over for some slow cooked comfort food: think stews, cakes, tea, crumbles, hot chocolate.
  • Cosy up and read a book. When I was little we used to make a ‘nest’ (aka hyggekrog) out of big blankets and snuggle up to watch a movie, read books or play board games. Think soft textures.
  • Run a hot bubble bath and light candles around you (double Hygge)
  • Start knitting or take up an old hobby like drawing, playing music, doing a puzzle.
  • Slow down and stop rushing. Be more mindful. Sit and enjoy your cup of tea, enjoy the warmth of the bath, feel the soft cashmere of your jumper, watch the flames flicker on the candle wick.
  • Play an old playlist of music to share with loved ones.
  • Declutter your space. Keep it warm, inviting, simple, cosy!
  • Unplug from technology. This is the most un-hygge thing you can do! It is about being connected and ‘living’ your life in synchronicity with the people and world around you.
  • Don’t try to impress, it is about simple pleasures. Being with people, connecting. Not competing with others or showing off.

So, pull out a pair of your favourite Hyggebukser (aka trackie pants), slip on some thick socks or your ugg boots, light some candles, invite some friends over, slow down, keep it simple, eat a piece of home baked cake, and get your Hygge on this winter. You will be happier for it!

Image credit: Pinterest

5 Steps To Own Your Winter Hormones

Did you know that winter makes you more aggressive? According to an Indiana University study in 2015: Short Winter Days Trigger Aggression Hormones Differently Based On Sex, this is apparently due to reduced exposure to sunlight (vitamin D) and the impact this has on your natural circadian rhythm and the production of sex hormones. The conclusion of this study reported that females exposed to longer periods of sunshine did not report heightened levels of aggression: Collectively, the results show that melatonin is the primary regulator of aggression in females”

The key is to make sure you don’t turn into a complete Grisly Bear by ‘owning’ your body during the change of season. Autumn gives us the opportunity to establish some really good habits to help balance our hormones before the true onset of an arctic winter.  According to Chinese Medicine, it is a time of ‘discipline’. Start to get organised and start to slow down. Natures ‘hibernation’ shouldn’t be fought.

Male or female, you will experience hormonal imbalance if you don’t look after yourself. Your hormones dictate your mood, weight, inflammation, quality of sleep, energy, brain function, cravings, disease … just to name a few. This is why it is important to make sure your body is operating as efficiently as possible to keep your hormones in a state of balance. You also need to ensure daily toxins that pass through your liver are then  eliminated from your bowel. If you are not fully eliminating your metabolised toxins, you will reabsorb them into your body leading to inflammation, causing chaos with your hormones.

The below tips are about helping your body to do its job. They are so interlinked and are part of a positive cycle of good habits and restoration. We hope you enjoy them.

5 simple steps to keep your hormones happy, your body detoxing and you healthy:

1. Sleep (like a bear). Sleep affects your weight controlling hormones (leptin & ghrelin) and your stress (cortisol) levels. Poor sleep leads to rapid ageing, and none of us want that!! Aim for 7-8 hours each night so your body can naturally restore itself on a cellular level. Having trouble switching off? Put the phone away and set up a bedtime routine where you have a magnesium bath or a warm shower. Make yourself a camomile tea and read a few pages of a book. Even if you have been running a multi million dollar business all day or wrangling kids, something simple in the evenings to ‘trigger’ your sleep routine is invaluable. It is about prioritisation!

2. De-stress Seek out some ‘Quietism” in your day. Practice your Box Breathing or meditation. Take a long walk, sit on a park bench and watch the world around you, soak in a warm bath. You want to make sure your body isn’t stressed out with adrenaline and cortisol. Imbalance can cause weight gain. cravings, mood swings, poor sleep, anxiety and low libido. Even if you are not a converted meditator (yet), switch off and have a laugh over a meal or enjoy the movies with friends.

3. Exercise No matter what the weather, rain, hail or shine, get outdoors and walk, walk, walk. Exercising outdoors is great for your daily dose of vitamin D, but the elements are also good for boosting your immune system. Keeping up your cardio will also boost your metabolism, oxygenate your blood and massage your internal organs. Please also don’t be fooled into thinking that your quick gym routine is enough to off-set the rest of your sedentary desk job day. According to Dr Frank Lipman, hours of immobility before & after your workout can ruin the gains of your session. Apparently the tiny micro tears that come from lifting weights can heal in the shape of your slumping posture in your chair. The answer? Just keep moving!!! Stand up, sit down, walk frequently. Set a timer to remind you to move every 20-30 minutes when seated for long periods. Incidental exercise is imperative to achieve long term weight management and improved health.

4. Eat warming foods. Think about foods that will warm your soul. Warm soups, stews, teas, porridge. Warming foods are easier to digest and you can pack soups & stews with so many veggies & fibre to nourish your body. Make sure you include lots of fresh herbs and spices. Cacao, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, turmeric and cumin are our favourites this time of year. Clean food is an heavenly fertiliser for your gut health. According to Caltech Researcher, Deborah Williams-Hedges, 90% of your happy ‘serotonin’ hormone is made in the digestive tract, so you need to look after it. 

5. Stay hydrated. Make sure you always have a vessel of water or herbal tea with you. It is essential to keep your kidneys and liver hydrated so they can flush out your toxins and keep your hormones balanced. Heating indoors and wind outdoors can be very dehydrating. We also encourage you to invest in a water filter, as you are wanting to remove toxins from your body, not add them. Try and avoid reusing plastic water bottles and invest in a good quality stainless steel or glass bottle. 

Image credit: Pinterest 



80 Second Box Breathing

This is another version of The One Minute Breath. All you have to do is visualise a box and count to 5. Simple!

Research has confirmed that this style of controlled breathing (meditation) calms nerves and relieves stress by helping to regulate the autonomic nervous system.

How to Box Breath:

  • Sit down on a comfortable chair in a quiet space.
  • Close your eyes & relax your shoulders, place your hands on your abdomen – make sure when you breathe in your stomach fills will air, not your chest.

  • Visualise a box

  • Breathe in for 5 seconds (up one side of the box)

  • Hold your breath for 5 seconds (across the top of the box)

  • Release for 5 seconds (down the other side of the box)

  • Hold for 5 seconds (across the bottom of the box)

  • Repeat 4 times

  • Note: you can download a metronome app to help you draw out the length of your counting. At first you may count each number as a second. You can then build to count each number over 3 seconds and so forth.

  • Start with practicing once per day and build up to 3 times per day.



Add Years To Your Life With These Sports!

According to Professor Merlin Thomas, author of The Longevity List, the average adult takes 7500 steps each day. Even worse, the sedentary desk bound adult only takes 2000 steps per day.  The World Health Organisation recommends a minimum daily goal of 10,000 steps per day to maintain your health, with the International Journal of Obesity recommending 15,000 per day.

Today’s ‘sedentary lifestyle’ is commonly referred to as the new tobacco. Women are also more at risk of the negative health impacts of an inactive lifestyle. Thomas states, “Women who are inactive and sitting for more than six hours a day have about twice the risk of dying in a given period as women who are active, and sit for less than 3 hours“.

Counting steps aside, The British Journal of Sports Medicine published the results of a report analysing the sports that can help extend your life beyond the recommended daily steps. The study examined 80,000 adults over a 9 year period. The results? The best sports to increase your life span are:

  • cycling (15% lower risk of death)
  • swimming (28% lower risk of death)
  • racquet sports (47% lower risk of death)

Why? The above sports can be performed more consistently, without the requirement of a full ‘team’ and they do not have an ‘off season’. You may also be asking, why are racquet sports even more superior than cycling and swimming? Physical therapist and personal trainer with Harvard-affiliated Spaulding Outpatient Center, Vijay A. Daryanani, states in a Harvard Health Publishing article:

“Most of our lives are spent moving forward, and that includes our exercise. Racquet sports force you to move both back and forth and side to side. This helps improve balance and weight shifting, which can lower your risk of falls. This kind of activity also exercises your mind. From a cognitive standpoint, it sharpens your planning and decision-making skills, as you must constantly anticipate and execute your next shot.”

According to the Harvard article, another powerful element of your daily exercise is combining it with a social group.  “A 2012 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that loneliness was associated with functional decline and an increased risk of death among adults older than age 60.”

Your homework? As a bare minimum, you should be performing ‘moderate’ exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes per day, 3 – 5 days per week. If you already have a good base fitness and want a significant improvement in your long term health, you should aim for 30 – 60 minutes of moderate exercise daily. Daily exercise reduces stress, balances your hormones, boosts your metabolism, improves cardiovascular health, burns excess fat, stimulates the production of dopamine & serotonin (your feel good hormones), lowers blood pressure, reduces anxiety, increases muscle mass… just to name a few!!!

How do I go to get started with a new racquet sport?

  • Head down to a good sports store to purchase a Badminton set for the backyard or a ping pong table for the garage.
  • Book in for some cardio tennis at your local tennis club. We love Victorian Tennis Academy at Union Street, Armadale or SMART Tennis at Royal South Yarra Lawn Tennis Club.


The Anti-Alzheimer’s Prescription, Dr. Vincent Fortanasce
The sports that will literally save your life, Stuart Marsh (Coach 9)
The Longevity List, Professor Merlin Thomas
Racket sports serve up health benefits, Matthew Solan (Harvard Medical School Journal)

Confessions of Health Coach …

I have a confession to make …. despite being a Health Coach and blitzing green smoothies since the 1990’s, I am just like the rest of you who enjoy the ‘other’ 20% of letting loose with life’s little indulgences. I share the same weaknesses as every other human being when it comes to maintaining a balanced lifestyle, especially this time of year! Over the Summer I have broken my curfew, eaten scrumptious hot chips, had a French rose or two ‘most’ days, indulged in a few desserts … and the list goes on.

Did you know that the sneaky 20% is just as important for your health as the goodie goodie 80%? The key, however, is to listen to your body and know when it is time to make some adjustments to bring back the equilibrium. I also don’t experience guilt when I am indulging myself as I have long standing daily habits that always make me feel nurtured

After 4 weeks of living a little too much in the 20% zone, my body began to send some pretty clear signals that I was out of balance. These symptoms included:

  • fatigue
  • brain fog
  • aches in my joints
  • constipation
  • moodiness
  • restless sleep
  • sugar cravings
  • lack of motivation
  • bloating

Fortunately, I have over 20 years of experience in the health industry, and know every simple trick in the book on how to get back on track. Five days later I am back to my usual energetic self! My mind is clear, I am incredibly motivated to embrace the new year, I am sleeping well and I look and feel refreshed.

So, how did I manage to pull myself together in less than a week after somewhat falling off the wagon? Easy… by pulling out my cheat sheet for LONGEVITY.


1. Cut out the alcohol

Buy a case of sparkling water and pour yourself a wine glass of non-alcoholic bubbles each night. Add some ice and a fresh squeeze of lemon to dress it up. As a long term rule aim for at least 4 AFD’s (alcohol free days) per week and always cap your intake at 2 glasses MAX.

2. Clean up your food

If it’s not in the house then you can’t eat it!! Get rid of the crap – chips, chocolate, soft drink, biscuits. It is amazing what accumulates over Summer when guests start filling up your pantry. I love a morning smoothie as a gentle start to the day; roast up veggies and enjoy with lean protein and salad; slice up oodles of veggie sticks and enjoy with some organic hummus. Keep it clean and lean with healthy fats (think avocado, walnuts, salmon), lean protein (think chicken breast, fish), low GI carbs (think quinoa, brown rice, oats), and enjoy lots of veggies and berries.

3. Meditation & Sleep

Day light savings means we are up a little later at night, not to mention the tennis!! Due to the heat, however, we are up early to exercise. This can lead to sleep deprivation. If you are having trouble sleeping try a lavender sleep spray, a warm magnesium bath, try to stick to a regular bed before 10:30pm, and TURN OFF the screens. I also benefit from One Giant Mind’s meditation app daily – just 10 minutes saves me around 2pm.

4. Exercise

Walk. walk, walk. Morning, noon & night. Vary it up with swimming, slow jogging, gardening or an at home circuit. The key is daily movement and not over doing it. Ayurvedic Medicine recommends exercising at 50% of your capacity for longevity.

5. Cut the sugar

To curb the cravings make sure you eat healthy fats like avocados & almonds, drink fennel tea, snack on roasted sweet potatoes dipped in hummus or a small tub of Greek yoghurt with blueberries. If you really need a treat then 85% dark chocolate is a saviour. Trust me, you can’t eat a whole block of dark dark chocolate!

6. Keep Hydrated

Make sure you carry around a glass water bottle and keep sipping water all day. Start your day with a big glass of water wth a squeeze of fresh lemon juice or a tsp of ACV. Herbal teas are also a great way to keep up your fluids… they are also a great remedy when you feel like picking but you’re not hungry!

What about coffee?

Coffee is something that my body loves and metabolises. My morning ‘magic’ is literally ‘magic’ to my mind, body & soul. This is something that I rarely remove from my diet unless I am sick or severely jetlagged. Everything in moderation. For some, however, it can cause inflammation and hormonal imbalances and needs to be reduced when you are feeling out of balance.

Are you needing help to get back on track or to achieve your health goals?

As an experienced Health Coach I can help you to:

  • Feel vibrant every day
  • Lose weight
  • Experience improved sleep
  • Kick a craving
  • Reduce silent inflammation
  • Establish lifelong positive habits
  • Balance your hormones

I am particularly passionate about and experienced in managing …

  • Autoimmune disease
  • Gut health issues
  • Male & female menopause
  • Hormone Imbalance
  • Food intolerances & allergies


I share a LONG-TERM  approach to a healthy life. A sustained and balanced 80:20 approach is the key to LONGEVITY and achieving your health goals.

Book Now for a COMPLIMENTARY 30 Minute Health Consultation

Please contact Gina directly via mobile: 0408 311 191 or email for further information about her programs.


Why Vitamin G is the modern day Prescription…

Do you remember that scene in Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts takes off Richard Gere’s shoes and makes him lie on the grass?? This is the perfect example of ‘earthing’ or ‘grounding’ (aka Vitamin Grounding). This is the cheapest and easiest remedy for every person living in today’s modern world.

“Grounding or Earthing is defined as placing one’s bare feet on the ground whether it be dirt, grass, sand or concrete (especially when humid or wet). When you ground to the electron-enriched earth, an improved balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system occurs.” (Dr. Mercola). To put it briefly, when your bare feet or skin comes in contact with the earth, free electrons are taken up into the body.  These electrons could be referred to as nature’s biggest antioxidants and help neutralise damaging excess free radicals that can lead to inflammation and disease in the body.

The theory behind ‘earthing’ came from Cable TV worker, Clinton Ober. Ober based his theory on the fact that our bodies and cells are full of electrical energy. However, due to the increased electromagnetic energy in our environment (think of all the free Wi-Fi, cell phone waves, radio and TV waves, satellite dish signals around us), and our change in lifestyle, such as wearing rubber soled shoes and working in high-rise office buildings, our bodies have become overcharged with positive electrons, also known as free radicals. This increase in positive electrons is causing inflammation in our bodies. (Source: Fitlife). Mounting evidence suggests that the Earth’s negative potential can create a stable internal bioelectrical environment for the normal functioning of all body systems. (Source: NCBI)

Dr James Oschman (President of Nature’s Own Research Association; Complementary & Alternative Medicines) was introduced to Ober by Jeff Spencer. Spencer was the chiropractor for Lance Armstrong’s cycling team. Oschman reported back that Lance Armstrong’s Tour De France team used an earthing recovery bag to improve the speed of recovery and increase sleep quality during the race. Oschman also believes that chronic inflammation is a result of us having too many positive electrons in our bodies, which is a result of being disconnected from the earth. This inflammation he also believes is the primary cause of virtually all disease, from diabetes to cancer. According to Dr. Oschman, “when we practice Earthing or grounding, we are protecting our bodies from ’collateral damage,’ damage that was not intended to happen, but does because we have disconnected ourselves from the Earth by putting rubber on the bottoms of our feet.” (Source: Dr Mercola)

Throughout history, humans mostly walked barefoot or with footwear made of animal skins. They also slept on the ground or on skins. It was through this direct contact and through the moistened animal skins (water is an excellent conductor – think a wet sandy beach) that the earth’s free electrons were able to enter the body. This in turn allowed the body to ‘equilibrate’ and stabilise the electrical environment of all organs, tissues, and cells.(Source: NCBI)

How to experience Earthing…

1. Find a conductive surface:

  • Grass, sand, dirt, plain concrete (not painted)

2. Choose a simple Earthing activities:

  • Walk or lie on a conductive surface with no shoes
  • Swim in the ocean or lakes
  • Garden with bare hands
  • Lean up against a living tree
  • Sleep on the earth while camping
  • Wear natural leather-soled shoes instead of synthetic rubber/plastic shoes
  • Moisture is also best. The beach is the best option as the water is a good conductor.

What is not a conductive surface?

  • Avoid Wood, carpet, asphalt, sealed or painted concrete and vinyl. They block the flow of electrons.


Can’t get outdoors?

  • Buy some indoor plants
  • Wear leather soles
  • You can also go one step further and purchase Grounding wrist bands, pillows, sheets, mats & rods! There are plenty of products on the market, but we like the easily and free version of heading outdoors!

Suggested benefits of Earthing:

  • Improves vitality
  • Improves sleep
  • Supports adrenal health
  • Protects the body from EMF radiation
  • Antioxidant & anti-inflammatory
  • Reduces stress
  • Balances the automatic nervous system (ANS)
  • Balances hormones
  • Shortens recovery time from endurance activity or injury
  • Regulates biological rhythms
  • Anti-ageing remedy


Dr. Mercola: Why Does Walking Barefoot On The Earth Make You Feel Better

Barefoot Healing: What Is Earthing

NCBI: Articles

Fitlife: What Is Earthing Or Grounding And Could Your Health Benefit

Wellnessmama: Earthing Grounding

Image credit: Pinterest

Detox Your BBQ Cooking

The BBQ season is in full swing, so we thought it was time to give you a quick cheat sheet on how and why to marinate your meat, poultry and fish.

The World health Organisation (WHO) and The National Cancer Institute have advised that cooking meat in a frypan or in direct contact with flames creates HCA’s (heterocyclic amines).  HCA’s form as a result of the amino acids, sugars and creatine reacting at high temperatures. PAH’s (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) also form when the juice and fat from the meats drop onto open flames and form smoke. Both these chemicals are deemed carcinogenic to humans.

By adding an acidic marinade to your BBQ meat, you are helping to stop the formation of these dangerous chemicals. The marinade also helps to tenderise the meat and retain moisture, therefore stopping it from drying out and burning. Follow this general formula for marinades: mix together an acid (to tenderise the meat) + an oil or liquid (to moisten) + assorted seasoning (herbs, spices).

Nutritional medicine practitioner, Fiona Tuck, also recommends to avoid anything with bread crumbs (such as a schnitzel) or sausages with preservatives. She states that these starchy and processed meats more likely to form AGE’s (advanced glycation end products). AGE’s cause inflammation in the body and oxidant stress. Therefore, if you love your sausages, it pays to buy all natural and preservative free ones. It is also important to avoid burning your sausages. You just want them lightly browned.

The Cancer Council of Victoria have also released a statement about WHO’s report linking processed and red meats to an increased cancer risk. They do recommend balancing your diet with plant based proteins and avoid burning your meat. Chair of Cancer Council Australia’s Nutrition and Physical Activity Committee, Kathy Chapman, said red and processed meats were associated with around one in six bowel cancers diagnosed in Australia.


GRW Top 5 Tips for a Healthy BBQ

  1. Use an acidic marinade for your meats (lemon, vinegar, wine, fruit juice, ginger)
  2. Wrap your fish or chicken on the BBQ in foil or baking paper
  3. Make salads and veggies the main event of your BBQ
  4. Avoid processed sausages & crumbed meat
  5. Lightly brown your meat instead of charring it!



Sources: WHO; The National Cancer Institute; Cancer Council Victoria; Nourish
Image Credit: Reckless Reviews

The Buzz About Honey

Did you know that honey has been used for thousands of years to promote the healing of wounds and curing disease? We were super excited to read a recent article published in The Age, Healthy Buzz As Honey Proves Pot Of Gold Against Superbugs. The article discusses the recent results of honey’s antibacterial and antimicrobial properties being able to kill off antibiotic resistant superbugs. This is BIG news. Read Full Article.

At GRW, we are big advocates of not cutting out food groups, and this recent article supports that philosophy. People who cut out sugar 100% are missing out on the nutritional benefits of many foods such as raw honey, fresh seasonal fruits and even chocolate! The key is ALWAYS quality over quantity.

Benefits of Pure Raw Honey

  • Improves gut health, cardiovascular health & reduces cancer risk*
  • Antiseptic – heals wounds & burns
  • Antibiotic
  • Probiotic (6 species of lactobacilli and 4 species of bifidobacteria)
  • Helps to regulate blood sugar levels
  • Anti-oxidant & cleansing properties
  • Reduces scarring & inflammation
  • Reduces cough & throat irritations
  • Treats digestive issues such as diarrhoea, indigestion, stomach ulcers & gastro
  • Reduces symptoms of seasonal allergies (if locally sourced)


How to Choose Your Honey

  • Make sure its pure and raw (nectar from the flower) – raw honey is unprocessed, unheated and unpasteurized. This means all of its vitamins, phytonutrients and enzymes are intact (B vitamins, Vit C, Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium).
  • Make sure the bee pollen hasn’t been removed. Most commercial honey pots have had the pollen removed.
  • Source local honey. Apparently if you consume honey from your local area, it will help protect you from seasonal allergies due to the honey containing biomes from your local environment. Melbourne has a great range of local honey, some categorised down to the suburb! Get online and have a look at Melbourne City Rooftop HoneyAmazing Bees, Aussie Apiarists Online,  You can even make a weekend trip out of it and visit a honey farm, such as Pure Peninsula Honey on the Mornington Peninsula.


How to Supercharge Your Honey

There is an incredible food synergy when you mix honey with cinnamon, bee pollen, ACV and ginger. This increases the potency of the honey and increases its beneficial properties.


How to Use Your Honey

Now that you are inspired to include good quality raw honey in your diet, make sure you drizzle it on your porridge, add it to your salad dressings and enjoy it on your Greek Yoghurt. There are also a huge range of home remedies you can find for raw honey.


  • Raw honey will crystallise so simply sit the pot in some warm water to soften it again.
  • You should never heat your raw honey above 35-40 degrees. This will destroy the beneficial properties. Apparently the internal temperature of a bee hive never goes above 35C. This is controlled by the busy bees!

De-clutter Your Winter Woolies

The weather has turned and it is time to pull out the warmer jumpers and jackets. However, before you head to the latest sale, why not do a stocktake of what you already have and assess what is worth keeping. By consolidating your wardrobe, you will reduce daily anxiety, frustration and decision fatigue. Amanda Sullivan is a professional organiser, founder of The Perfect Daughter, and a media expert on organisation. She has helped hundreds of clients, from hoarders to celebrities such as Lori Singer, Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon to control home chaos.

In her book Organised Enough – the anti perfectionist’s guide to getting and staying organised she gets you to ask yourself these very simple questions when de-cluttering your clothes…

  • When was the last time I wore it?

  • Is it in good condition?

  • Is it flattering?

  • Do I love it?

  • How many of this item do I realistically need?

  • Is it comfortable?

It is important to be true to yourself and your own style. Keep what you use, but be careful not to have too many multiples of the same item. Keep it simple! When you do decide to replace an older item, it pays to invest in good quality jumper you will wear all the time rather than a few that are not timeless or durable. Like Coco Chanel said, it is qual

We highly recommend reading Amanda Sullivan’s book “Organised Enough – the anti-perfectionist’s guide to getting and staying organised”. It is a fun read and on occasion you will find yourself laughing out loud, as you feel like you are looking into a mirror! It is a very balanced and realistic approach to de-cluttering without it taking over your life.

Image credit: Pinterest