
Why Vitamin G is the modern day Prescription…

Do you remember that scene in Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts takes off Richard Gere’s shoes and makes him lie on the grass?? This is the perfect example of ‘earthing’ or ‘grounding’ (aka Vitamin Grounding). This is the cheapest and easiest remedy for every person living in today’s modern world.

“Grounding or Earthing is defined as placing one’s bare feet on the ground whether it be dirt, grass, sand or concrete (especially when humid or wet). When you ground to the electron-enriched earth, an improved balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system occurs.” (Dr. Mercola). To put it briefly, when your bare feet or skin comes in contact with the earth, free electrons are taken up into the body.  These electrons could be referred to as nature’s biggest antioxidants and help neutralise damaging excess free radicals that can lead to inflammation and disease in the body.

The theory behind ‘earthing’ came from Cable TV worker, Clinton Ober. Ober based his theory on the fact that our bodies and cells are full of electrical energy. However, due to the increased electromagnetic energy in our environment (think of all the free Wi-Fi, cell phone waves, radio and TV waves, satellite dish signals around us), and our change in lifestyle, such as wearing rubber soled shoes and working in high-rise office buildings, our bodies have become overcharged with positive electrons, also known as free radicals. This increase in positive electrons is causing inflammation in our bodies. (Source: Fitlife). Mounting evidence suggests that the Earth’s negative potential can create a stable internal bioelectrical environment for the normal functioning of all body systems. (Source: NCBI)

Dr James Oschman (President of Nature’s Own Research Association; Complementary & Alternative Medicines) was introduced to Ober by Jeff Spencer. Spencer was the chiropractor for Lance Armstrong’s cycling team. Oschman reported back that Lance Armstrong’s Tour De France team used an earthing recovery bag to improve the speed of recovery and increase sleep quality during the race. Oschman also believes that chronic inflammation is a result of us having too many positive electrons in our bodies, which is a result of being disconnected from the earth. This inflammation he also believes is the primary cause of virtually all disease, from diabetes to cancer. According to Dr. Oschman, “when we practice Earthing or grounding, we are protecting our bodies from ’collateral damage,’ damage that was not intended to happen, but does because we have disconnected ourselves from the Earth by putting rubber on the bottoms of our feet.” (Source: Dr Mercola)

Throughout history, humans mostly walked barefoot or with footwear made of animal skins. They also slept on the ground or on skins. It was through this direct contact and through the moistened animal skins (water is an excellent conductor – think a wet sandy beach) that the earth’s free electrons were able to enter the body. This in turn allowed the body to ‘equilibrate’ and stabilise the electrical environment of all organs, tissues, and cells.(Source: NCBI)

How to experience Earthing…

1. Find a conductive surface:

  • Grass, sand, dirt, plain concrete (not painted)

2. Choose a simple Earthing activities:

  • Walk or lie on a conductive surface with no shoes
  • Swim in the ocean or lakes
  • Garden with bare hands
  • Lean up against a living tree
  • Sleep on the earth while camping
  • Wear natural leather-soled shoes instead of synthetic rubber/plastic shoes
  • Moisture is also best. The beach is the best option as the water is a good conductor.

What is not a conductive surface?

  • Avoid Wood, carpet, asphalt, sealed or painted concrete and vinyl. They block the flow of electrons.


Can’t get outdoors?

  • Buy some indoor plants
  • Wear leather soles
  • You can also go one step further and purchase Grounding wrist bands, pillows, sheets, mats & rods! There are plenty of products on the market, but we like the easily and free version of heading outdoors!

Suggested benefits of Earthing:

  • Improves vitality
  • Improves sleep
  • Supports adrenal health
  • Protects the body from EMF radiation
  • Antioxidant & anti-inflammatory
  • Reduces stress
  • Balances the automatic nervous system (ANS)
  • Balances hormones
  • Shortens recovery time from endurance activity or injury
  • Regulates biological rhythms
  • Anti-ageing remedy


Dr. Mercola: Why Does Walking Barefoot On The Earth Make You Feel Better

Barefoot Healing: What Is Earthing

NCBI: Articles

Fitlife: What Is Earthing Or Grounding And Could Your Health Benefit

Wellnessmama: Earthing Grounding

Image credit: Pinterest