
A Reminder To Dry Brush

This is a friendly reminder about the importance of adding dry brushing to your daily routine, especially during the colder months when our skin can become dry and dull. It is such a simple new habit with so many incredible benefits. We leave our dry brush at the door of the shower to remind us to do it each day.



  • Your skin is the largest organ in the body and the organ of elimination.
  • 1/3 body’s toxins are excreted through the skin.
  • Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, unclogging pores & excreting toxins trapped in the skin.
  • Improves immune function by stimulating the circulation of white blood cells
  • It leaves the skin with a healthy glow and can assist with reducing cellulite
  • Calms your nervous system & reduces stress


 How to dry brush

  1. Use a brush with natural fibres.
  2. Start at the feet and move in long sweeping motions towards to the heart (always brush towards the heart).
  3. Brush several times each area, overlapping as you go.
  4. Your skin will become less sensitive the more you do it.
  5. Once you have finished, have a shower or Epsom salt bath.
  6. Pat dry and moisturise, preferably with coconut oil.
  7. Can be done several times per week and can build up to once per day, before your shower or bath.
  8. Clean the brush with soap & water once per week.