Top 5 Winter Wellbeing Tips

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Our bodies follow the cues from Mother Nature that a new season has arrived. It is darker and colder, and our systems are slowing down to conserve energy and prepare for ‘hybernation’. In winter, the human body undergoes changes in the endocrine system (balances our hormones), digestive system (ensures we absorb our nutrients) and the immune system (protects us from getting sick). During winter, we need to make sure that we are taking care of these important systems to ensure optimum health and vitality. There is nothing worse than feeling run down, overwhelmed, unmotivated and sluggish, but we are here to help. Follow these super simple tips to keep on top of those sniffles and be the best version of yourself this winter.

1. Rest 

Sleep is when your body heals itself. Sleep also helps to balance your hormones. It is important to try and get a minimum of 7-8 hours each night. An overstressed body produces too much cortisol and causes your hormones to become out of kilt. Common symptoms of imbalance are weight gain, decreased metabolism, poor sleep, anxiety, cravings, low libido, mood swings. Make sure you minimise caffeine, sugar and screens before bedtime to ensure a good nights’ sleep. Meditation is also a perfect way to allow the body to enter a state of rest and rejuvenate.

2. Indoor Plants

We tend to keep the windows closed during winter and the air in our homes and offices can become stale. Indoor plants filter and detoxify the air indoors and they have also been shown to improve productivity as they provide a sense of calm.

3. Regular exercise (preferably in the fresh air!!)

Moving your body is essential all year round. Even though it is chilly, it is particularly beneficial to exercise outdoors in the mornings as your eyes are exposed to the light and this stimulates your alertness hormones (such as adrenalin). Increasing your heart rate helps oxygenates the blood and balance your hormones, which helps to improve your immunity and fight off winter colds and flu.  You are also exposing yourself to nature’s elements and good natural biomes to help build your immunity. There is also nothing more invigorating than fresh air in your lungs flush out the indoor cobwebs!

Pouring with rain? Head to a barre class for a great stretch and all over toning routine.

4. Warming food

Heal your body with warming foods. Warm slow cooked meals are easier to digest and leave you feeling less bloated. You can also pack so many vegetables and amazing herbs and spices (especially turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, garlic & cumin) into a simple soup or stew and is the perfect antidote to ward off colds and flu.

It is also important not to forget your gut health for a strong immune system. Make sure you include a probiotic (add healthy flora to the gut) such as organic natural yoghurt (we love sheep yoghurt) or miso.

Prebiotic foods (help to feed the ‘good’ bacteria in the digestive tract) are just as important to strengthen your immune system. A good source of prebiotics are bananas (so yummy in a smoothie or sliced onto a warming porridge), garlic, cabbage and leeks.

5. Keep hydrated

With the extreme elements of winter and the drying effects of heaters, people tend to forget to drink enough water in the colder months. Water is great for your kidneys and urinary system to assist in detoxifying the body and balancing hormones.

Try to drink tepid or warm water instead of cold water. Warm fluids are also gentler on your organs. Caffeine free herbal teas and bone broth are another great way to keep the fluids up.

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