
How to clean your fruit & vegetables

It is really important to thoroughly wash your fruit and vegetables to get rid of any nasty pesticides. It is also important to wash your organic produce as there has been a harvesting and handling process before it hits your fruit bowl or green smoothie!


Simple Cleaning Method (rough or firm skin produce)


  1. Fill a mixing bowl with 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar (in other words, 1/2 cup vinegar to a sink or water)
  2. Submerge fresh produce (for example apples, carrots, capsicum, kiwi fruit) and let soak for 5 mins.
  3. Scrub them with a brush & rinse with water.


Simple Cleaning Method (smooth skin produce)


  1. Mix up a spray bottle with 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar.
  2. Spray mist on fresh produce (for example tomatoes, strawberries, grapes)
  3. Clean gently with your hands as opposed to a brush to keep the skin intact & rinse with water




  • You can also add some lemon juice to the water and vinegar mixture to increase the acidity (this helps kill more bacteria).
  • Washing berries (blueberries, raspberries etc) in the mixture is also good as can also prevent them becoming mouldy.
  • It is always good to dry the produce with a clean cloth or paper towel before storing.

Our Top Daily Habits

Rome wasn’t built in a day! (Sorry, best analogy we could come up with). Don’t give up every ‘bad habit’ overnight only to crash three days later. Life long success never works when you feel you are deprived. It is about “crowding out” the bad habits by introducing better habits, one by one.

Our aim is to introduce you to new daily habits and if they feel right, keep doing them! Dare yourself! One new habit is better than none at all. Be the best version of yourself but also remember to be yourself! You are the judge! Just keep doing what you like from our challenges and hopefully by the end of the program you will have developed at least 5 new good habits, which in turn will have nudged a few of the old ‘bad’ ones out of your life! Like that 3rd coffee!



Start your day with a lemon juice water.

Enjoy everything in moderation

Drink your water or herbal tea throughout the day

Listen to your body

Eat seasonal local organic whole foods (SLOW)

Eat The Clean 15 & Avoid The Dirty Dozen, where possible!

Eat meals at the table

Eat mindfully and chew your food

Drink green tea

Reduce refined sugar (but still enjoy your piece of dark chocolate)

Try a new recipe




Slow down and remember to breathe

Dry skin brushing


Get some sunshine

Book a massage

Read a book

Listen to music

Download a meditation App

Buy an indoor plant

Turn off social media for a day





Walk, walk, walk

Do some gardening

Take the stairs


Go for a bush walk & get back to nature

Lemon Juice Water

Start Your Day with Lemon Juice Water


We believe that if you consciously start your day well, then it will have a domino effect on the rest of your day.  You need a SIMPLE yet EFFECTIVE daily habit. This one you can do whilst saluting the rising sun or walking around the house trying to find that missing sock.  Lemon water is essential for daily detoxification as it increases the production of liver enzymes. This tonic maximises the removal of toxins from the body, increases efficiency and function of the digestive tract and creates a clean slate for the day.



Step 1:
Make sure you put a big POST IT NOTE on the kitchen bench as a daily reminder with a bag of lemons!!!! This will help set yourself up to succeed!

Step 2:
Add juice of ½ lemon to a glass of warm water. Do not use boiling water as this destroys the beneficial enzymes of the lemon. Enjoy!

Run out of lemons? You can substitute with other alkalizing ingredients such as:

  • 1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). Ensure it has the mother (cloudy parts in vinegar). We like Braggs ACV.
  • 1 tsp spirulina powder.


Add a squeeze of lemon juice to your green tea to absorb even more antioxidants!